I got my iPhone on Saturday morning and have been dinking with it ever since! It is so cute! It is also an amazing little gadget. I was connected to the internet the whole way home, checking email and looking at SayItOnTheWall's orders that I need to fill. It was worth the 1.5 hour wait on Sat. I got an adorable little pink, flowered protective skin to put on it--I love it! Yes, I am a nerd!
Also, a few weeks ago Brad and I bought a ClearPlay DVD player. We are loving this DVD player. It edits out everything you don't want to see/hear in movies. We have been able to watch movies that we couldn't have watched otherwise without all the crap in it. We have also loved just being able to take naughty words and language out of movies that are only rated PG or PG-13. Now I don't need to worry my kids will hear and repeat something I don't want them to hear or say. It was a great purchase, for all those interested.
Here is a link to their site so you can learn more about it.
In other news, I am still pregnant and quickly growing just a tad impatient about it. At 36 weeks this little guy was already 7 lbs and he is quickly gaining more and more as my blood sugars are a little hard to control right now. My doctor once told me that if the average baby gains 1 lb/week the last month of pregnancy, a baby of a diabetic mom gains
at least double that. So great. Little dude is going to be ENORMOUS! That is my fear, anyway. I think I am going to give him an eviction notice. The plan right now is to induce at 38 weeks, which is next Friday. However, I am hoping that he will just decide enough is enough (as I have) and come earlier than that on his own. So far though, he is just hanging out and quite content. I'll bet I would go over due with him we we left it up to him to decide when he comes. Please remember to keep him in your prayers. I really don't want to have him sick with low blood sugars when he is born. I really, really don't want him to have to stay in the NICU.