Sunday, July 15, 2007

Craft Camp 2007

Craft Camp this week was a huge success! This is the third year we have done it and every year it just gets bigger and better. Some of the crafts we did are: altered composition notebooks, magnet boards, diaper/wipes cases, quiet books, altered acrylic frames, Japanese cooking, bleached bags, cards, and making our own chapstick. We had a packed three days!

One of my favorites this year was the Tea Party that my mom hosted. It was a blast! And the food was great. My mom had us all wear hats (because you can't come to a tea party without wearing a hat!) and they were so funny. Everyone had a different style. We decided that the Tea Party is going to be a tradition every year at Craft Camp.

We also had a dutch oven cookout before our closing ceremonies. That was a ton of fun too. I loved being able to just hang out and chat and laugh with everyone.

My mom was great, she was the hotel for all of our guests. She is a great host. I kinda wished I was staying over too!

I hope that those who couldn't make it to Craft Camp this year can come next year. It really was the highlight of my summer so far. I am excited to plan 2008's!


Mariela said...

I wish I could have been there for all of it! I'm excited for next year!

Mariela said...
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Mandy said...

Craft Camp sounds fun. What exactly is your schedule and who plans it all?

mckay said...

Mandy- The schedule typically runs from 10am - 3pm. Some days were a little longer. As far as the crafts go, it is BYOC (Bring your own craft), so everyone takes turns teaching the craft they brought. You supply all the supplies for everyone at craft camp for your craft, and they do the same, so the only cost to you is what it costs to supply everyone with your crafts supplies. As far as the planning-my mom deemed me CC President after the first year, so I have been doing all the planning. But in all fairness, my mom is great and helped a ton. You should come next year! It would give Brad and Erich a chance to hang out again!

Mandy said...

Do you have pictures of your projects? I'd love to see all the fun stuff you made.